New Montado Catalogue: Spring Summer 2017
By: Montado
We are in love! :)
Yes, we are truly in love with the Spring-Summer Collection. When people ask us what we think about it, we just say it’s our best collection ever.
For us, it feels like a very important step towards the future we want for Montado: sophistication and elegance, combined with contemporary design and audacity, all put together in a collection that is ecological as always and more Vegan than ever. And of course, the big star is still our raw material of choice: Portuguese cork, the best in the world, absolutely beautiful, 100% natural and as eco-friendly as it could possibly be.
We are very proud of this work and we want to thank everyone who made it possible: the models, the photographers, the agency, production, and post-production. Thank you all.
Now, this collection is not just ours anymore. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do! Or even more (although that’s unlikely), we’re not jealous... :)